Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I'm having a lot of trouble getting a job. I think that I need to go out and hand out more resumes. But I don't know where I should apply at. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

:( Oh, no!
... hmmm.. there's this hint that I was told a while ago by both the Calm course and the job placement course. It's supposed to be a good thing to follow up on a resume. Ask to give it directly to the person in charge of hiring and call or drop by a few days later to follow up and ask about the job again. I don't know if you already knew that or not but just thought I'd mention it. When I was told that one it surprized me because I was always under the impression that I was just supposed to drop off a piece of paper and then the employer takes it from there; but apparently that's not the case. :P
I hope you find that great job you're looking for soon! luv ya! <3

GracieLou said...

Crissy...thanks for the advice. it was good to hear cause yesterday I got up the courage to do it (even though it didn't yield the greatest results, grr :() but then I read your comment today and I felt like I did the right thing! So I guess I'll keep trying! Thanks for commenting, any advice at this point is really good. It makes me nervous to call people and bug them about my resume but I guess I should do it!

Anonymous said...

So true! I'd definetely feel akward doing that. Yep, yep! :P
If you feel brave one day you could walk into someplace you would like to work even if they don't have an advertisement and ask if they have a job opening. Aparently many places don't advertise for people anymore. They get referals from family, friends, and employees, or they get people who walk in and ask that are qualified. *shrug* (I learned that in CALM too.. maybe that course was good for something after all. lol)
I just know someone out there will have a great job for you. You're a great worker. Whoever is turning you down is missing out! :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.