Thursday, October 27, 2005

Emotional Bug-guts on the Windshield of Life

I'm so exhausted! I just want to fall into bed and sleep forever and ever... but tomorrow the crazy circus of life starts all over again. Between midterms, my job, and my practicum, I think that November will be the proverbial ... well, I was going to say "month from hell", but I don't think that's very proverbial! Besides, I think that hell is more likely to be very, very boring. But hey, that's just my personal opinion. And I don't really know anything right now except that my eyelids are involuntary closing...
Today just started out as a "Jonah day." I told one of the girls at work that it was one of those days when you just keep thinking about ex-boyfriends. Really, I'm usually pretty good at "forward motion." But not today. All night, I had terrible dreams about my evil ex(s). It was actually quite embarassing. And the day didn't get much better. I tried to study, and succeeded only in stressing out. I was supposed to go for a run, but I could hardly drag myself off the floor. My patience level steadily decreased as we spent Children's Lit class discussing how every single girl thought that she was Anne of Green Gables when she was a child.
It's not all that bad... I just like whining, waxing sarcastic, and complaining about the little irritants. This blog is such a good outlet! My limited readership will just have to put up with the occasional emotional bug-guts on the windshield of my life.
Oh dear me. The metaphors of the struggling English major!

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