Monday, March 27, 2006

Live like Wildflowers

I think I'm having an identity crisis.
I used to think I wanted to have a career, an academic life. I used to think that I was rather sophisticated because I wanted to have knowledge just for knowledge's sake. I was determined to finish university and have a degree and be worth something. Now, I don't know if I want to do that. I would like to write a novel, but I hardly think that would put bread on the table (even if I'm the next J.K. Rowling, which I'm not, she spent a lot of years in miserable poverty before she became a byword on the NYTimes bestseller lists). So I have to find a job of some sort that I can endure for a few years, a job that will have, if not beneficial, at least benign effects on my bank account.
I also want a job where I don't have to dress up every day. No lipstick and hairstraighteners for me every morning! Unfortunately, that kind of a job requires skills that I don't have, since I'm not exactly superb at outdoorsey-type activities (see, I don't even know what to call it when you work with your hands and get a tan from being outside all day!).
Then, of course there's my desire to travel. Don't even ask how that fits in. I don't want to teach English as a second language - it doesn't even tempt me.
I like cooking. A lot. But I don't think I'd like to be a cook. At least not a commercial cook. Maybe someone's personal cook? See, I just don't know.
I guess I have 2 more years to figure this out. That's when the university will spew me forth into the cold, cruel world and I will have to struggle to pay back my student loans using the skills I am supposed to be acquiring right now.
It's too bad, cause I think the only thing that university is teaching me right now is how to avoid schoolwork, how many hours one can waste on the computer, and how long one can put off writing a paper and still finish it without arriving to class half an hour late. See? Great stuff, especially as far as time-management is concerned.
Speaking of which... I'm sure there's something useful I ought to be doing at this moment... like reading (His Dark Materials, I'm on the third book and I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight until I finish!)... or snacking (is there anything better than a bowl of homemade granola garnished with bananas and strawberries?) ... or studying (for my Bio exam on Tuesday night, it's gonna be great *ahem* sarcasm).
p.s. Oh yeah. The title. I've been listening to Lisa Brokop lately, and one of her songs is about how we should "live like wildflowers, find our place in the golden sun." It sounds good to me! Who needs an identity crisis, I'll just learn how to bloom where I'm planted... or something like that... yes I know I'm mixing my metaphors. Bear with me!

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