Monday, January 16, 2006

So Bored!!!

I've spent the last week doing absolutely nothing. I'm all caught up on my homework, too, which is the sad part. Why do they try to bore the heck out of you all the way through January and halfway through February, and then after reading week and all through March and April they throw everything at you at once? This semester I'm going to have absolutely nothing to do anyway, since I found out that one of the courses I registered for doesn't transfer to the University of Lethbridge anyway. Actually, two courses, but one of them is kind of interesting. And if I was taking only 10 credits, I might die of boredom. So I've decided to drop my Friday morning class, Psychology and Christian Thought, because a. it's useless to me, b. it's boring, and c. why bother doing all that work and not getting any credits for it? So I'll still have thirteen credits, but I'll be paying for seventeen. And I can't even pick up a different course that will transfer, because there isn't a single one that fits with my time schedule. Not even one!
Sigh... life is so unfair. Poor me.
On the brighter side - I never knew I was such a good cook. I like to make everything I can from scratch: casseroles; interesting combinations of vegetables and melted cheese in pita pockets; hard-boiled, fried, or scrambled eggs; salads; fruit and yogourt smoothies; steamed vegetables; pancakes. I haven't tried my crockpot yet, but I probably will sometime this week. It will be an adventure, but I've had pretty good luck so far with trying new things.
It seems like everyone is just trying to make it through January. What a terrible month! December is so full of good food and parties and pretty lights, lots of warm and fuzzy feelings, and of course, time spent with your family (even if they do try to shoot you with BB guns and swear at you - what can I say, I guess we're dysfunctional). Then you get to January, and it's all anyone can do to get out of bed in the morning. No one has any money, the snow that was so pretty in December is dirty and crusted over, and reading week is a whole month and a half away. No wonder everyone is in a bad mood.
I was thinking today about how much I complain about everything. I'm a very negative person a lot of the time. I am really very blessed, but there's always something to whine about, whether it's Taylor's policies, the annoying people that I go to school with (I really do love ... most of ... you guys) or just plain old boredom. But I should try to look on the bright side, because I have a roof over my head, good food, and a loving family. I'm getting out of this gongshow in three months, and then hopefully life will start to get a little bit brighter. With any luck I'll find a good-paying job (or two of them) in Lethbridge and spend the summer in a nice little basement suite. (It'll be so good to see the sun again!!!) I'll spend my weekends relaxing, reading good books, and sun-tanning. It will be lovely. The best part is that it's so close to home that I can go anytime I want. And that's important to me too.
So... here goes nothing. Bring on the boredom, I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

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