Sunday, May 14, 2006


Well this post is for one person, my favorite person: my mommy.
My mommy:
-Is always ready to give me a hug:

-She lets me call her anytime I need to talk (which is all the time):

-She kills spiders for me:

But all these wonderful things aren't really why I love my mommy. She's just the best: she's looked after me for almost 20 years and put up with me when I'm terribly grouchy and always forgave me for being a brat. Well, eventually, anyway. (I think you did, right mom?) She looked after six kids and taught us to eat healthy stuff and planted a garden every single year and let us get dirty. She's feisty and doesn't let anyone push her around and knows her own mind but she's still kind and gracious to everyone. Even when I think she should tell them all to just shove it you-know-where.
I'm not a Hallmark card (fooled you all, didn't I?) so I'll stop there, but I'm sure you get the picture. I think my mom is pretty much just fabulous. So Mom, happy Mother's Day! I LOVE YOU!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Grace, that was really sweet of you to put me on your blog. It has been a joy for me to be your Mom. I love how you need hugs. It is my prayer that you and I will always be like the bears on your blog and that we will always be able to talk for hours on the phone. Love ya lots, MOM

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!